Friday 17 August 2012

Rock on

cant just do studies gotta apply stuff n make that good shizzle

Saturday 11 August 2012

skull study

im really focusing on blocking in colours with a big brush before i used small brushes and it took ages and made everything blended n too soft.

Thursday 9 August 2012

Horse painting study

a study of a Arabian horse, i think doing these studies are really gonna help me develope my painting and my understanding of colour hmmmm what to do tomorrow ....

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Orc chop sword

Heres an orc sword i did a lot of last night n today, i gotta figure out a way to paint faster im sooo slow n clueless. oh well progress takes time

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Isis Taylor Illustration

I'm back peoples woop woop,finally got my new laptop, my old one couldnt handle digital painting well took ages to paint anything, here is a portrait of isis ive been workin on to kick off my comeback and for a good while i'm not doing any portrait stuff i'm diving balls deep out of my comfort zone.